
Showing posts from January, 2013

A post going around Facebook: My ABC's

A: Available?: Yes... B: Birthday?: December 9, 1988 C: Crushing on someone?: Yes D: Drink last had?: Sprite E: Easiest person to talk to?: Peyton F: First name?: Allison (If you haven't figured that out, you are living under a rock.) G: Grade hated most?: 1st H: Height?: 5' 9 1/2" I: In love with?:  A certain brand of cologne, which a co-worker uses. I tried to ask him but he had trouble remembering. I think he said "Playboy" from Walmart. J: Ever been jealous?: Yes... so many times K: Killed someone?: Heck no L: Longest friendship?: 10 years; though we somewhat stopped talking for the past three years M: Milkshake flavor?: Strawberry! :D N: Number of siblings?: 2 O: One wish?: I wish to have motivation, so I can travel outside of the state this summer. P: Person who called me last?: either Anna Cox or my mom; Lol, it's been days since someone has called me. Q: Question I'm always asked?: "Are you related to (such-and-such)?" >.>...