
Showing posts from July, 2017

Proving Sarah's Worth - And Missing Pages (Haunted Past #4)

And it just ends abruptly. Something about this is not right. I want/need more! #GogiiGames

Remastered | Nancy's Lost Rap Song | Let's Play 4

Today's video is a little late. I wanted to make sure the song and and the extra surprise fit into it.

♫ Splish Splash I Was Taken A Chlorine Bath ♫ (Life is Strange #3.1)

♪ In the arms of an Angel, I will --♫ Dang it, that's what I should've used when she jumped! #LifeisStrange

Remastered | Being Threatened Means The Right Direction | Let's Play 3

#NancyDrew rarely backs down. She would never put her life on the line unless it's important. Right?

I Love To Swing From The Chandelier (Haunted Past #3)

That song is by Sia, right? Or is it someone else? Gosh dang it! Now I need to figure it out. LOL! #chandelier

Remastered | Why Break Into A Pharmacy? | Let's Play 2

Yikes! Whoever broke into that pharmacy seriously wants to buff up.

I Embrace All The Strikes! (Life is Strange #2.2)

Some of my best edits yet. Yay! I'm so proud of myself. Lol.

Remastered | Is He Seriously For Real? | Let's Play 1

This can't be right. He's number one on my suspect list. Right?

Who The Heck Is She? ( Haunted Past #2)

Okay, now we have a villain. Who is this broad anyways? #ghosthistory

22 Faster Than The Villain Gettin Stung By Cow Let's Play 12

These western stereotypes are a bit much. I could use a break. Wait, I didn't mean break. No!

I Pledge Allegiance To Max (Life Is Strange #2.1)

For which she stands. One teenager as God, indivisible, with time powers and justice for all! #LifeisStrange

22 | Everything Goes South From Here | Let's Play 11

Geez! Most of it looks like #Greek to me. When will @HerInteractive learn that not everyone is smart? Lol.

Whispered Legends - Tales of Middleport Full Play

I am super excited about this happening. Make it a date, everyone! July 21st, 7pm central standard time. I will live stream a Gogii Game I forgot to include. ^_^

After - What? - 10, 15 Years? Why Now? (Haunted Past #1)

What? That intro! Did we just see how her mother died?

Asstral Projectin' Some Booty, Doe (Life Is Strange #1.2)

Curiosity killed the cat. Time travel brought it back. Uh, I think.

22 | World's Dumbest and Tired Electrician | Let's Play 10

Perhaps it's time to lay these tricks to rest. Oops, not rest. Not rest! #sabotage

22 | Did We Discover The Culprit? | Let's Play 9 (Happy July 4th!)

New word, boys and girls. Can you say "motive?"

♫ Just A Spoonful of ♪ Trickery Takes ♪ The Villain Down ♫ (Vault Cracke...

♪ And we'll never be plumbers! ♫ Uh, um, I mean... well...