
Showing posts from January, 2020

Discovering Niobe's Secret To The Underworld (Labyrinth of Lies #12 - Restorer Award)

What is Niobe's secret? Does she know Kim Possible? Do you have Disney Plus? I must know! #LabyrinthofLies #secretdoor

Giving Bureaucracy The Finger, But It Doesn't Work? Try Witchcraft! (Midnight in Salem #4)

She tries to stick it to the man, but even witchcraft has a code. Does she not know what "rules" mean? #MidnightinSalem #witchcraftisbureaucracy?

Did Ancient Greeks Ever Dream About Dogs? (Labyrinth of Lies #11 - Xenia's Tablet Puzzles)

Come to think of it. A lot of their artwork don't have animals. I wonder why... #LabyrinthofLies #AncientGreekshadnopets?

Seeing Olivia's Performance Outside Of The Trailer (Midnight in Salem #3)

People not only judge others by appearance, but by their family's past. Should we do the same? #MidnightinSalem #isOliviaAwitch ?

Exploiting The Exposition From Deirdre - Long Cutscene (Midnight in Salem #2)

I wonder if we traveled first class. Nancy ain't high society, but she can afford it. #MidnightinSalem #isMeiaWitch?

The Witch Trials Predates Salem?! (Midnight in Salem #1)

Here we go. Let the criticism roll in. Go in with no expectations. Trust me. #MidnightinSalem #isthisabadidea?

You Must Break Art To Reproduce Art! Wait; What? (Labyrinth of Lies #10)

Wow, did we find a secret room, or a secret door? Maybe both? Yeesh. #LabyrinthofLies #secretsaremeanttobesacred

How To Get The Compassionate Award! (Shattered Medallion - Achievements Room)

Here it finally is! The extra vid I talked about. I was surprised to find out there's no video proof for this award. #ShameShameIKnowYourName #ShatteredMedallion