
Showing posts from November, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

Kittens and viewers who do not live in America - there is a holiday that we celebrate despite its history, it’s called Thanksgiving. 🥺 Due to this, as well as my family making plans to celebrate it, there will be no videos on Wednesday or Sunday. Even if you don’t live in America, call your family. Get together if you can. Have fun. If you have no family/loved ones, find some friends. If you don’t have friends, find a social outlet. I’m sending you all lots of love from me. No one should be alone.

Uh Oh... 😨 Did A Hallucination Crash My Game? 😎 (Ghost of Thornton Hall - Mobile #5)

Boo ya! We summoned Charlotte. Success! Wait... that's not... Charlotte... #NancyDrewmobile #summoningaghost *Video will be available at 4:30pm central.* And here the symptoms become more frequent...

😨 I Went Too Far With The Puzzles! Last Video?! 😱 (Tomb of the Lost Queen #14 - solo)

 Okay, I know the backstory with Dylan is just side story, but it explains Abdullah! #NancyDrew #nomorestory Video will be available at 6pm central. Where is Dylan's backstory?

😳 Do We Really Have To Summon The Ghost? 😱 (Ghost of Thornton Hall - Mobile #4)

 ♫ This is the way we Wade through ghosts, Wade through ghosts...♫ #NancyDrewmobile #rhymingchant *Video will be available at 4:30pm central* A Summing Chant Rhymes!

😨 We Have to Desecrate a Cat Mummy for a Puzzle?! (Tomb of the Lost Queen #13 - solo)

 I wonder when favoritism was created. Cause if the ancien Egyptians had it, could the Greeks? #favoritism #catsaresuperior *Video will be available at 6pm central* Egyptian Favoritism At Best!

😏 Prying into the Thornton Family Drama is Fun! (Ghost of Thornton Hall - Mobile #3)

 Gotta admit. I love listening to both sides of an argument. Helps me pick a side. #NancyDrewmobile #warpickaside #whatisitgoodfor *Video will be available at 4:30pm central* Feuds! What is it good for?

Balancing Rocks To Free A Dying Man! (Tomb of the Lost Queen #12 - solo)

 My boy Dylan is gonna die! Someone free him! Oh, right. That's us. #timetowork #catsaresuperior *video will be available at 6pm central* Could the whisperings be real?

Are We Deep-Diving in a Family Feud? 😑 Oh Boy! (Ghost of Thornton Hall - Mobile #2)

 One wants out; one side is confused; one side is business. Oy vey! #NancyDrewmobile #factoryaccident *Video will be available at 4:30pm* No, not the game Family Feud, the other one