As of February 2020, I stopped using the word “monster.” In fact, it’s not in my vocabulary anymore. This may seem weird to a lot of people, so let me explain. Since high school, I’ve written many manuscripts, watched movies/shows, observed people, played video games, socialized, and learned so much from it all. I learned that everything is not what it seems. There’s more than one side to a story; a villain has reasons for doing the things they do. I wanted to understand everything in every angle, every aspect - even if it meant thinking like a villain. This specific word was created because we were scared; we feared the unknown. We chose not to understand and run away. I have news for you. We always have a choice. There is always another path to take. Even if you think you have no other choice, there is an alternative. Go creative! Don’t let your villain win. Also know that criminal, evil, and wrong-doing are included in this explanation. I am not only justifying the creation of ...