
Showing posts from April, 2022

Festival of Ice Goes Bust... Yet Brings Excitement! 😍 (Stardew Valley #126)

I have mixed feelings about Stardew's fishing, but hey, at least the next day brings good news! #StardewValley #fortunetelling Video available at 6pm central. I seriously thought I counted right. Oh, well...

Sebastian's Dislike Isn't Listed! Weird... (Stardew Valley #125)

You would think the wiki would have better detail about their character details. #StardewValley #stardewwiki Video available at 4:30pm central. Okay, no cheese for Seb.

Into The Unknown Of "Genre-Defining" and Mining! 😮 (Stardew Valley #124)

People really do wonder - is it something new or something familiar? #StardewValley #unknownworlds Video available at 6pm central. Sub 3 ain't comin.

I Beat The Backwards Luck! For Once... (Stardew Valley #123)

Can you spot the error? You do? Before I went home? Good. #StardewValley #forgetfulmind Video available at 4:30pm central. PURPLE MUSHROOM!

Wintering Ahead For Spring! Eh? Eh? 😂 (Stardew Valley #122)

Alright, I get it. Leave the mom/dad jokes for the actual parents. lol #StardewValley #Illbeoverhere Video available at 6pm central. lol, I'll just... yeah...

Do I Lack Motivation?

Wow, I didn't realize how much I needed that mini-vacay. I didn't switch carriers, like I had hoped. I didn't contact a certain business, like I should've a month ago. I forgot to make plans with my mom, as I told her I would. Ugh. I'm a terrible person. Why can't I get myself to get this stuff done? Do I actually lack the motivation to do these? I know why I need them done. Is it those reasons that's de-motivating me? I have no idea. Am I having a mid-life crisis? Possibly! Ugh. I wish I knew what I was doing. I wish I knew what to do next. *mentally kicks myself* No. I wish I could actually take action. I should be just saying, "Okay, I gotta do this. I should do this. Let's get it done." And not have the mentality of "I'm not in the mood." That's the problem, possibly? I think from now on - once, if not twice a week, if I ever have the mentality of "I should," take that action immediately no matter what mood I...

No Internet?! 😱

No videos this week. Taking a tiny vacay because of stress and internet problems. If you want more details, go to my ND twitter handle: wwNancyDrewd See you next Wednesday. Stay awesome, and stay on YouTube!

I Be Fishin'... with ROCKS! 😲 (Stardew Valley #121)

hey, look at that. I actually paid attention to the drama. Did not expect that! #StardewValley #hebeslappin Video available at 4:30pm central. oh, I be trendin'!