It's Monday!

Today, I'm excited. Brandon Schatsiek, Special Olympic's Missouri PR, is coming this morning to do the video portion of the May newsletter. I think it's slightly because the State meet is coming up. That is May 31st, by the way. I am so looking forward to meeting him finally.

I love getting to know people. And to get to know people who are my new connections - that's just fantastic. I've learned this past year that to have better marketing and PR is to have the best connections with whatever your passionate about. Writing, my YouTube channel, and my radio show are my passions. I've already made friends with an owner of a local book store. ^_^ Now I'm making friends with someone who is in PR. I find that such a hoot!

Brandon has already done the text interview. He sent me questions to answer, which I did. I wonder how I'll do when he comes to videotape me. Not only is he going to get footage of me, but he's recording my morning show on Show Time, Radio Time. Right now, I'm eating cookies to make the butterflies in my stomach go away. It's sort of working.


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