Waking Up To Reality, Unfortunately

After Ashley receives her happy ending with Sir Edric, Ashlyn wakes up in confusion and fright. Though she knows the repetitive dream is over, she wonders what could possibly come out of it. Ashlyn is clearly confused on why she has this dream. At least until something incredible happens during her shift.
No one likes the "before Prince" Cinderella. It's depressing. Always having to clean after her step-brothers; obeying their and her step-mother's every order, and taking beatings when it never deemed necessary. At least her step-niece gave her kindness. This Cinderella didn't know if she could take it anymore. She had to get out of there. What if something happened, though? What if she woke up, finding it all a dream?

The LAST #cinderella reading! I'm broadcasting live in 2 hours! Listen in soon at http://tobtr.com/s/7991947. #BlogTalkRadio


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