I Won't Talk Like One... But I'll Surely SING!

Yes, it's that day, everyone. You might be excited for it; you might even be dreading it. Because gosh dang it, people, it's time - to talk like a pirate. It's kinda sad, actually, that there's only three holidays. At least it's better than no holidays, right?

It's one of those days where we DANCE too! Yay! ^_^ We're gonna be playing a whole bunch of sea shanties and sea songs. I even found a website that lists most of them. Hold onto yer steerin' wheel o' tha' ship o' life o' yers. It's dancing time!

But gosh dern it; I'll SING like one. :D I'm broadcasting live in 2 hrs! Listen in soon at http://tobtr.com/s/9446681. #BlogTalkRadio


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