The Lazy Life of A (Somewhat) Superstar
Oh no; I forgot last week's blog! I suck! Lol. This just shows either how lazy or busy I am. Honestly, I think it's both. Here - let me explain.
This month, and the first week of March, is Polar Bear Plunge here in America - Special Olympics. We can't say Polar Bear Club. That belongs to Canada. Yep. Lol. Anyway, Polar Plunge is a busy time for the PR team of SOMO. So busy that I offered to help, but Brandon said no - oh, well.
He did give me a new project, and I should work on that now. I am overdue on apartment and personal hygiene, though. Not to mention, my dad is coming over to hang out, as well as inspect my bed frame to confirm my suspicions. And he normally comes over around 6:30 or 7 CST.
So I pretty much gotta jet right after this. I'm even waiting for a package, which is super awesome! It's the new Game Theory merch, and I am due for new socks and a t-shirt style. This is so hype! I want to make sure I record this, so I can put it on either YouTube or Twitter, or even Instagram. I do have all those apps on my tablet now.
Oh, I almost forgot. The lazy side of things. Because it's Polar Plunge month, I pretty much had nothing to do up until last Thursday. So naturally, I plunged into the internet and watched gameplays of Assassin's Creed (still on that chronological marathon), Life is Strange, and JackSepticEye. Yep. I barely did anything to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Lol.
Anyway... personal hygiene time. Laters!
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