It's The ALPs U Weekend!

Yes! ^_^ Finally. The last semester for my Communications major. I'm so excited I got to attend this particular semester for Athlete Leadership Programs University. (See; what did I tell ya? The exciting stuff always happens the first week of the month. That's why I forget to write my weekly blogs. Lol. Nothing happens.)

This particular semester located in Columbia, MO - my hometown. Yes! And not to my surprise, MU hosted it instead of Columbia College or Stephens College. What a bummer, but still - the particular buildings I had to attend today happened to be a few blocks from my apartment. What a crazy random happenstance!

Like most majors, all the majors at ALPs U have a Capstone class to finish it off. Pretty much everyone in the Capstone class was finishing their Communications major - like me. Now that truly is a crazy random happenstance. Any-who, each of us needed to come up with a project that would suit our major. One athlete-leader intends to become a mentor for this fall's semester; another chose speeches as well as hosting a unified partners/athletes event, and there's even an athlete-leader who plans to make a documentary on a chosen SOMO athlete, to show people we Special Olympics athletes do more than practice and compete in sports.

Can you guess who that last athlete-leader is? Yep, it's me. ^_^ I'm so excited!

For a detailed plan of my future documentary, stay tuned to my Facebook page. I'm looking forward to making it. Already I've talked to my dad, as well as contacted the Central Area manager to make certain the athlete of my choice lives in Columbia. That way I don't have to worry about transportation so much. (I still don't have a license, and I plan to keep it that way. Angela Lansbury inspired me!)

P.S. (Post script - to those who don't know what that means.) If you've been wondering what's going on with both my YouTube channels, since I haven't been blogging much about either, please do check my Facebook page often. I try to post something every few days.


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