It feels weird to not be swimming. I forgot to register for the season. And when I contacted coach, we agreed to put me on a waiting list in case an available slot comes up. At that point, I got a confirmation from my uncle saying he registered our family to perform on Earth Day. ^_^ That hasn't happened in years. I jumped up and down with joy, but then I learned when he wanted rehearsals. Oh, boy. Same day as swim practices. It was less than a week that I received word a spot was open for swimming. I had to tell coach no. As much as I seriously want to get back into swimming, going back and forth with swimming and rehearsals will definitely put stress on me. If you don't know, last year - around the time I was prepping for Seattle - I had so much anxiety and stress that I had an allergic reaction to it. Scared the tar out of me. It was too late in the night to call my mom for help, at least in my opinion. I ended up in the emergency room. Thankfully, my insurance cover...