Slowly Returning And Almost In Control
It feels weird to not be swimming. I forgot to register for the season. And when I contacted coach, we agreed to put me on a waiting list in case an available slot comes up. At that point, I got a confirmation from my uncle saying he registered our family to perform on Earth Day. ^_^
That hasn't happened in years. I jumped up and down with joy, but then I learned when he wanted rehearsals. Oh, boy. Same day as swim practices. It was less than a week that I received word a spot was open for swimming. I had to tell coach no.
As much as I seriously want to get back into swimming, going back and forth with swimming and rehearsals will definitely put stress on me. If you don't know, last year - around the time I was prepping for Seattle - I had so much anxiety and stress that I had an allergic reaction to it. Scared the tar out of me. It was too late in the night to call my mom for help, at least in my opinion. I ended up in the emergency room. Thankfully, my insurance covered the ambulance ride.
I'm slowly feeling in control. Today, I managed to get most of my laundry done, shower, upload two videos on the Esperanza channel, record one gaming video, and processed the Sunday gaming video. And now I'm about to go to WalMart, so that I can finally use this gift card. Perhaps it'll be enough to get everything I need. If not, well... I'll figure something out.
I may be a bit of a manipulator, but there are advantages of being a daughter. Lol. I love having a supportive family.
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