Excited About My Gaming Channel

So I'm trying to make my blogs a weekly thing now. Especially since I have a requirement of writing a Team Missouri blog once a month. I'm also excited about this, because I've been wanting to get back to blogging. I miss it!

On to the main topic - which is my gaming YouTube channel. This past Saturday, I was recording my Grim Tales gameplay and an idea popped into my head. I realized I was almost done with Alibi in Ashes, my current Nancy Drew game on the channel. This whole time, I thought Deadly Device was next, but I knew that had to be wrong. It turns out Tomb of the Lost Queen is next.

Well, guess what? I happen to have a skype relationship with a voice actor who voiced Dylan Carter. (Somewhat ironic, considering Howard Carter found Tutankhamen's tomb.) His name is Gabriel Wolf. About five years ago, Michael Gray - known on YouTube as arglefumph - did an interview with him on his channel. I enjoyed it immensely. I learned a lot more about voice acting and Mr. Wolf. I managed to contact him on skype, and over the years, we acclimated pretty well.

So when I realized Tomb of the Lost Queen would start next month, I came up with the idea to do a walkthrough with Gabriel Wolf. That night, I contacted him. I asked him if he'd be interested. The next morning, I received a response saying yes! 😄 I responded and we ended up having a small chat about it. Considering his location in the world, I'm surprised we managed to talk.

Everything is planned. It's all kosher. Next week, if nothing happens on my end or his end, we'll be recording together and having a good time. I just hope I don't flub too many times during the recording. This is my first official collaboration that's not used as a joke. I'm super excited!


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