
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Ghost Dog Is Totally Not Disturbed (Faceless Gravedigger) Final Chapter

I totally didn't bring up the band's name in the video title. Nope, not a chance. #titledrop?

Talkin Time with Sweet Rascally Rabbit (1st of Many)

Honestly, I think I was triharding the sweet, radio voice. #ASMR for the win. lol

Where Do I Put The Spider Amulet Again? (Stone Queen) Chapter 3

Noooo!! Mayor Sheldon, how could you?! Is he really that bent?

Why Does The Stone Book Let Me Read Its Contents? (Stone Queen) Chapter 3

I'm probably overthinking on a lot of things. Stop me if ever I am wrong about anything. Seriously. Lol.

Wait, The Faceless Gravedigger Works For Someone? Chapter 4

This definitely puts things into new perspective. I have more questions than I do before. What the brick? #mindblown

Has Maui Teamed Up With The Villain? (Deadly Device FINALE) Amateur

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a mediocre Nancy Drew villain paired with Maui? Not me! At least, not until this week.

Recreating Tesla's Makeshift Earthquake On Wardenclyffe (Deadly Device #11) Amateur

I know I'm late. It's not my fault. Internet was done for more than 24 hours. #NikolaTeslaRules

My Commentary Has Turned Into Critiques; Help! (Faceless Gravedigger) Chapter 3

I don't know why I procrastinated this when I returned. But hey, at least it's before midnight. More #bonfirestories!

Monthly Gaming Stream

Almost 20 minutes left until the livestream is up!  Will you be there for Christmas fun?

I Bet You Understand ✖ Math Symbols ➕ Better Than Me (Stone Queen) Chapter 2

I really should understand the #morethanlessthan symbols. Goes to show how much I've used them since high school.

The Strategy For The Warlock Battle (Stone Queen) Chapter 2

Yes! A third daily video. All about the #warlockbattle. I just hope I stopped the glitch. Thanks, #stonequeen.

Did Anyone Else Have Trouble With The Warlock? (Stone Queen) Chapter 2

Seriously. I really do hope I can make a separate video of the warlock battle. Super difficult! #StoneQueen

Discovering The Old Man's Mural With Glowing Mushrooms (Faceless Gravedigger) Chapter 2

While you receive a glorious chapter of #BonfireStories, I celebrate my birthday with my fam. #happybirthday

Hmm, How Do We Get Victor Out Of Niko's Office? (Deadly Device #10) Amateur

You know, there are better ways to distract your boss. This is NOT one of them. #gethimoutofoffice

Uh Oh, Where Did The Piano Notes Hide? (Deadly Device #9) Amateur

So, I was right. The security video was tampered. Well, then... #whodunit?

A Bit Obsessed On The Figurines Collection (Faceless Gravedigger) Chapter 1

Who'd have thought crows were scared of that? I would've used the device multiple times. Love that noise.