
Showing posts from September, 2021

Just A Lucky Mining Day; That's All! 🙃 (Stardew Valley #78)

Yep, just another day. Keep walking. Let's go! #StardewValley #goodluckcharm Video will be available at 6pm central. Woof. Those flowers...

Yep, Fast Travel Definitely Works! 🙃 (Stardew Valley #77)

We got cows; we got rocks, and we got... nearly killed. Okay! #StardewValley #checkyourself Video will be available at 4:30pm central. Time to go from here to there, and buy more cows!

What Should We Name The Cows? (Stardew Valley #76)

We got the barn, what what! #StardewValley #progressftw Video will be available at 6pm central. Gemstone names are the best, don't you think?

Is Fast Travel Real In This Game? 🤔 (Stardew Valley #75)

Heckz, yeah! We finally have it. Celebrate with me and the Junimos! #StardewValley #bundlecomplete Video will be available at 4:30pm central. ♫ Zoom, zoom, zoom! Make my heart go boom, boom! ♫

Losing My Mind AND My Sword - Ugh! (Stardew Valley #74)

Yeah, I think I might be going a bit mental again. lol #StardewValley #mentality Video will be available at 6pm central. Forgive my mouth in this. Haven't seen a therapist in a while.

Behind On What You Expected? DO IT NOW! 😡 (Stardew Valley #73)

You think I wanted to have no greenhouse, no bus at this point? Wow. #StardewValley #realitycheck Video will be available at 4:30pm central. Just Do It!

I Coined a New Word; Spread It! 😎 (Stardew Valley #72)

Yes, you saw correctly. No, you didn't misunderstand. #StardewValley #altruniversalist Video will be available at 6pm central. Kitchen Mod Tweet: I know what I am. What are you?

Get To Bed On Time, You Goober! 😴 (Stardew Valley #71)

Dude, I have a problem with this in real life. Yeesh. I can't get to bed at a reasonable hour. #StardewValley #realitycheck Video will be available at 4:30pm central. Pierre can go premium?

Movin' BIG in the World! 🤑 (Stardew Valley #70)

Heck, yeah. We finally unlocked it! We're moving up! #StardewValley #blingbling Video will be available at 6pm central. Fred Astaire, sing to me!